Has the Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners ecosystem strengthened or weakened in the last couple of years? It’s a million(s) dollar question (literally) – which would perhaps find the universe divided. And in my opinion – one of the halves knows too little about Microsoft Dynamics NAV to make a credible opinion.

For far too long did the fear of failed projects keep the small and mid-sized businesses away from venturing in to ERP implementations. Coupled with this has been the issue of non-trivial investment. The last 5 years have however seen a significant jump in adaption, and project successes. And Microsoft Dynamics NAV Partners from Australia, Singapore, India, UK, Germany, Denmark, USA – and actually most countries in the APAC, EMEA and Americas – have played a big role in these success stories.

Even without yelling from rooftop, and even with the massive momentum around O365 and Dynamics 365 – Microsoft has made significant improvements and enhancements to Dynamics NAV. Over the recent releases the product now packs several features and functionality that have traditionally been associated only with the large foot print ERP products.

Functionalities like Cashflow forecasting, Cost Accounting, Deferral Accounting, Auto Bank Reconciliation; together with powerful features of Work-Flow, Charting, OCR for input documents; a great looking companion mobile app; and several design enhancements for performance improvements – have strengthened the leadership position that Dynamics NAV has had in the SMB market. The Outlook integration and availability of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financials and Operations – SMB version – are going to further strengthen the Dynamics NAV Partner ecosystem. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financials and Operations is a cloud, hybrid (cloud and edge) and on-premise Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) service for organizations built on and supported by Microsoft Azure. Power of the CRM solution bundled with the SMB version of Dynamics 365 for Financials and Operations – is making some Enterprise grade solutions sweat.

Even when a customer goes for Dynamics NAV – the ability to host NAV on Azure Infra, together with ‘subscription’ pricing, bring to customers the benefits they expect from a cloud based ERP. And this comes with the benefit of being able to tailor the ERP to your needs. 

The number of powerful and proven industry solutions available on Dynamics NAV is perhaps amongst the largest for any mid-market global ERP. But the biggest strength of Microsoft Dynamics NAV is perhaps the network of Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners.

For customers, Dynamics NAV has meant ‘certainty’ of project success, and an achievable ROI. To Dynamics NAV partners – this has meant customer satisfaction, and predictable profitability.  We expect to see a good percentage of new customers opting for the SMB version of Dynamics 365 for Financials and Operations – which will bring further strength to the Dynamics NAV partners ecosystem.

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