Alletec helps Canada based Maple Lodge Farms in D365 Customer Engagement and SharePoint

Business Overview

Maple Lodge Farms is one of the largest independently owned and operated chicken processors in Canada.

Founded in 1955, the family-owned business engages in the processing and supplying of chicken products in Canada and across the world. Today, they are a renowned quality supplier of fresh chicken, bacon, and wieners.

Maple Lodge Farms implemented D365 CE (Customer Engagement Service) for its Customer Services team. The team was facing several technical issues in the system that were interfering with their seamless business functions, which was impacting the quality of service offered to its business and retail customers.


After Maple Lodge engaged Alletec for the project, the dedicated support team resolved all the outstanding issues in the bucket of tickets. Subsequently, based on Root Cause Analysis, the team implemented Microsoft recommended best practices to prevent the recurrence of the issues, as well as make the system more user-friendly and robust.

A Shared Support team continues to work with Maple Lodge business users to ensure that they are able to provide top-class customer service without any disruptions to their end customers. It was done by providing break fixes and enhancements to the D365 Customer Service application.

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