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D365 Customer Insights

D365 Customer Insights

For a moment, lets think of the term ‘Customer Journey’. It covers various milestones at which a customer engages with a supplier. When we talk about the Customer journey with respect to ‘Customer Insights’ – it is actually the data footprints that a customer leaves across multiple applications knowingly or unknowingly, in the supplier’s IT

A penny saved is a penny earned: Travel Requisition & Expense Management

A penny saved is a penny earned: Travel Requisition & Expense Management

  Client meetings and business travels are an essential aspect of the working world that capture the life cycle of employees, especially in client-facing roles. Teams engaged in business development, new business acquisition, marketing, in particular, have the largest travel and expense budgets in line with their business needs of strengthening the relationship with diverse stakeholders–customers, prospects,

Making Customer Engagement Central to Your Business Strategy

Making Customer Engagement Central to Your Business Strategy

CRM being just a “technology” or a “solution” is a misnomer, should rather be viewed as a Business Strategy to better understand and manage customer relationships. It requires a customer-centric business philosophy and culture across an organization. CRM, as a technology solution, is just an enabler. It links up information about stakeholders from a variety

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